Cognitive Coaching℠

Become A Genuine Catalyst In Empowering Other Educators

Are you facing obstacles in helping other teachers and educators become more self-directed in their work? Or in coaching them through complex issues around their own teaching or learning? 

Perhaps, given that teaching is such a complex intellectual activity, you’d just like to get access to more tools, skills and maps that will make it easier for you to help others become more successful. If any of these challenges sound familiar, the eight-day premier coaching program Cognitive Coaching℠ will help you build your identity and skills to help others transform their thinking.


What past participants are saying

Become a Genuine Catalyst in
Empowering Other Educators

Pioneered by two thought leaders of the educational world, Art Costa and Bob Garmston, this in-depth program has been transforming the professional and personal lives of educators around the globe for over 30 years. During the Cognitive Coaching Seminars®, you’ll be provided with the maps, tools and skills to work with others to help them become more engaged, resourceful and self-directed in their work. Put simply, you’ll help people to build their capacity to be truly self-directed in their own work and their work with others.

During the Cognitive Coaching Seminars®, you’ll be provided with the maps, tools and skills to work with others to help them become more engaged, resourceful and self-directed in their work. Put simply, you’ll help people to build their capacity to be truly self-directed in their own work and their work with others.

Among other skills, you’ll learn to:

– Develop trust and rapport

– Improve your own identity as a mediator of thinking

– Utilise conversational structures for planning, reflecting and problem solving

– Develop teachers’ autonomy and sense of community, and

– Use data to mediate thinking.

Program Options

Foundation Seminar

This highly practical and engaging program is usually conducted over a 12 to 24-month period, and can be delivered in flexible formats depending on your needs. It can be delivered in flexible formats depending on the needs of the organisation.

Agendas for Days 1–4 include the Planning Conversation Map and the Reflecting Conversation Map as well as the tools of Cognitive Coaching℠.

Agenda for Days 5–8 provide for skill refinement and understanding of the Problem-Resolving Map.

Advanced Seminar

A Leadership Institute for Deepening and Extending Your Identity as a Mediator

This seminar will immerse you in deeper learning about the principles and practices of Cognitive Coaching and prepare those wishing to become trainers for the next steps of their development. You will master concepts and skills from the Foundation Seminar® at a higher level of understanding and skill through rich practice and feedback experiences. You will learn a new map, the Calibrating Conversation for use with a set of standards for performance. Knowledge of the States of Mind and how to mediate for them will be emphasized. Your capacity to coach for cognitive shift will be enhanced.

The experiences of this week will support any school leader in the coaching and supervision of teachers as well as developing skills which are applicable in the classroom and in one’s personal life.

Prerequisite: Completion of Cognitive Coaching Foundation Seminar®

What You'll Learn

Improve Relationships

Develop trust and rapport with your colleagues.

Shift The Way You See Yourself

Utilise conversational structures for planning, reflecting and problem resolving.

Speak With Purpose

Improve your own identity as a mediator of thinking.

Help Others Take Charge

Develop teachers’ autonomy and sense of community.

Be Data-Driven

We’ll help you pinpoint how data is collected and used, so you can have powerful conversations for maximum impact.

Inspire Success

Use tools, new skills and roadmaps to help others thrive.

Program Facilitators

Gavin Grift

Through his keynotes, seminars, and coaching services, Gavin connects with national and international audiences on how to cultivate authentic collaboration, build success in others and genuinely commit to reflective practice.

Gavin serves as a Training Associate for Thinking Collaborative and delivers the Cognitive Coaching® eight day seminar to educators globally. He’s also a best-selling author, with nine educational books under his belt, including Teachers As Architects of Learning, Five Ways of Being and Transformative Talk.

Because who you think you are, shapes what you do and how you do it. – Gavin Grift

Sonya Mackenzie

Sonya is passionate about building the collective and individual capacity of educators to optimise learning for the students and communities they serve. She has extensive experience in leading learning and works alongside educators and system leaders to plan, implement and measure the impact of sustainable, high level learning. Sonya has over 25 years working in the field of education in school, corporate and university contexts. Her recent senior executive roles include: General Manager, Hawker Brownlow Education; Director of Professional Learning, Solution Tree Australia; Director of Professional Standards, Charles Darwin University.

Sonya holds a Master of Education International, a Bachelor of Education Further Education and Training and a Graduate Diploma in Psychology. In addition, she holds various other professional qualifications including Training Associate: Cognitive Coaching, Executive Coach: Growth Coaching International, certified facilitator for EQ-I 2.0 and EQ 360 (Emotional Intelligence Assessment). Sonya is also a certified training associate for Grift Education in Transformative Collaboration: 5 Commitments for Leading a PLC.